Bathsheva's Bag

Stuff I'm into or not...speculations and ascribed motives and more...

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Valentines Day 2015

In the name of love…

So, tonight, in honor of Valentine’s day and love—A love letter to the world or at least to the few people who will see this and then actually take the time to read this…in it’s entirety. 

Earlier this evening, on Valentine’s day, I was unceremoniously dumped from an online forum on FaceBook—one supposedly dedicated to upholding liberal and democratic views. It kind of sucked, especially on Valentine’s Day—especially in light of the fact, it was spent alone-without a significant other. It sucks to be judged unfairly and out of context and at the expense of truth. No not sucked!—hurt a little.

What really is bothersome, though, is to be upholding true liberalism, truth and defending against clearly racist and disgusting mindsets and have my own words twisted against me and to be accused of being the exact opposite of that which I have based the entirety of  every fibre of my being upon, for pretty much the entirety of my life . Which to me defines, as of late, the supposedly liberal party—the democratic party, as being engaged and dedicated to, largely, a neo-fascist mindset.

I am committed to a true and enduring and ideal love. Vehemently committed and outspoken to a true and liberal love, in the truest sense of the word.  Liberal in that I want, because I truly love, what is best for everyone. It’s probably not entirely possible or feasible—but it’s worth a shot!

As a liberal Jew, I have always believed in equality, and my love sees/knows no bounds, and on a personal note, even though I’ve always been a “straight girl,” (whatever that means and entails) I reserve the right to be undefined, both personally and politically, and should I be lucky enough to find a love—a true love, I would, could only hope that my own and very strong personal, straight girl tastes, would not limit me, to availing myself of that one and lasting true love—that as of yet, seems elusive to me and for the world, for some reason or another.

It pains me to see, people fighting and using and misusing labels to further a cause and a misguided one at that.  If you claim you are a liberal, you must believe in equality and fairness for more than just you or those whom you claim as your “peeps”.

You must not use or bandy about terms that have nothing to do with your cause as a means to deflect your intent. Liberal has come to mean openness—we assume, through persistent usage, it means that, here in the U.S. Then let it mean that,  by what you say and by your actions. It is intolerable to use as a stepping stone an equal rights platform, that has nothing to do with advancing a cause other than your own limited world view and subjugating intent for everyone else. Do not defend that which is indefensible in the face of things.

In the past couple of weeks, I’ve seen out of the mouths of supposedly “liberal” politically open-minded individuals, the most egregious, horrific, racist, intolerant, and just all around unlovely, and unJewish, unBlack (in the sense that we are all able to think any way we want, but when it shoots yourself in the foot (from all perspectives)—stop being silly) sentiment, I’ve seen in some time. 

There is no honor in defending indefensible words. There is no honor in attacking that which with you don’t agree without dead on accuracy and aim to uphold the truth—not just your personal truth. 

Tonight, I was accused of being racist and of accusing others of being racist—unjustly, fighting to uphold racist views, being sexist, in that I was accusing people of being sexist and accusing people of threatening—unfoundedly.  My subsequent comments stating the truth—such that it was and not in merely a personal and subjective way and in defense of myself  and others, were deleted and then I was removed and blocked from the forum, by an overzealous and self-aggrandizing forum administrator. 

In the spirit of a true and entire truth, I lost my temper, after being told I was a “rude and uncultured person,” by someone who supposedly is a Jewish, liberal democrat, ostensibly the meaning to be construed here, is that one who is guilty of being “rude” and/or “uncultured” has no right to an opinion, let alone the right to voice it—I then told to go and insult a black man with a derogatory slur, to perhaps get a beating for something I never said, nor would uphold the right to say in the first place—I deserved a beating for having the audacity to voice my opinion. My response was to call this individual an “inbred insect”.  

Given my continual and vociferous dedication to words and their meanings and using words as they were intended, I clearly fucked up and fell egregiously beneath my own standards. I should have said what I meant and that was to say he was using his brain to the capacity of an inbred insect and should really shut up and stop proving to the world what an arse he was behaving like.

Later, things got better though—I made a new friend! Someone —actually a few special someones came to my defense! Someone even referred to my  “typically calm eloquence” and that when I get “peeved” it’s just all the more noticeable and that all things considered, my “ouster” should be thought of as a “badge of honor”… And I was invited back to the forum, by someone who apparently is dedicated to open and true liberalism.  How great is that?1?!

So, in light of truth, and my dedication to true liberalism, love, peace and happiness for everyone, and in spite of small minded  individuals who are frightened by truth, and strong opinions and facing their own demons, in spite of tiny minds who seek to censor…

I’m going to take my views beyond just FaceBook. I’m not sure what avenue I will take at this point. But I will, in some way—a larger way, dedicate myself to voicing my opinion—getting and being heard, and perhaps in some small way, change a few hearts and/or minds. 

Dedicating Valentines Day 2015 to to a true and enduring liberalism…

In the name of love…


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